This was a story, which was created from a pair of eyes. As can be seen with the dedication. Originally those eyes were seen when performing research for Meean Universe, my first written collection. EoES is the second collection. It was several months after seeing those eyes that I came across the competition for the Bath Novel Award. No the story didn’t even place, but that too is something important to share. Especially for those who have a story and want to tell it. Not being seen is part of the process towards reaching your goal. All I wanted was to write a story and have someone read it. Hopefully like it and perhaps be in a position where more would get to see it.

That eventually came. The publisher wasn’t the only one who took an interest. Two agents did at the time, but with pandemic lock downs were a little late with their request for the manuscript. A shame in some ways, as I have written so much more since Marnari Rashna entered production. The collection was finished and completed during the time the first story was produced. When needing a story for the competition. It was like those eyes I had seen reached out to me and reminded me that eyes are the gateway to a person soul. So, EoES was born. Quinn came alive and the story unfolded.

When I started to write I could see that it was so much more than what I had imagined and so seeds were sown to extend the story on that first writing. A whole land was created, rose up and became the epic tale written. For those who have been reading it and have gone through to its end. Thank you. Even if I only reach a few, you will never really know and understand just how much that means to me.


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